A crença de autoeficácia dos docentes universitários: a relevância para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem
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No âmbito educacional diversas pesquisas têm objetivado investigar as repercussões das crenças de autoeficácia dos docentes em diferentes contextos, disciplinas e níveis de ensino. O constructo da autoeficácia docente está relacionado às inferências que o professor realiza a respeito da própria capacidade para atingir determinados resultados no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Partindo dessa premissa o objetivo deste estudo foi de investigar a relevância da crença de autoeficácia de docentes do curso de Ciências Contábeis de uma Faculdade privada do Recife. O desenho da pesquisa adotado nesse estudo foi do tipo descritivo, transversal, quantitativo, prospectivo e observacional. A amostra foi constituída por 21 docentes que ministram disciplinas específicas e afins. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário de Caracterização do Participante e de sua Atividade; Escala de Autoeficácia de Professores. A partir dos dados obtidos pôde-se identificar que 25% dos professores ministrantes de disciplinas específicas apresentam um nível de intencionalidade muito alto, quando comparados aos das disciplinas afins (9%); 21% dos professores ministrantes de disciplinas específicas apresentam um manejo de classe muito alto, quando comparados aos das disciplinas afins (6%). Ao término desse estudo pôde-se concluir que os docentes ministrantes de disciplinas específicas possuem uma crença de autoeficácia mais elevada do que aqueles responsáveis por ministrar disciplinas afins.
In educational sphere several researches has aimed to investigate the effects of self-efficacy beliefs of teachers in different contexts, disciplines and levels of education. The construct of teaching self-efficacy is related to the inferences that teachers cause about their own ability to achieve certain results in the teaching-learning process. In accordance with that premise the objective of this study was investigate the relevance of teaching self-efficacy beliefs in accounting graduation at a private university in Recife. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, prospective and observational study. The sample consisted of 21 teachers who tutor specific and alike subjects. The instruments used were: Participant Characterization Questionnaire and its activity, Teacher Self-efficacy Scale. Was identified that 25% of teachers ministering specific disciplines have a very high level of intentionality, compared to those in related alike disciplines (9%); 21% of teachers ministering specific disciplines have a very high class management, compared to those in related alike disciplines (6%). At the completion of this study was concluded that professors on the faculty of specific disciplines have a higher self-efficacy belief than those responsible for ministering related alike disciplines.
In educational sphere several researches has aimed to investigate the effects of self-efficacy beliefs of teachers in different contexts, disciplines and levels of education. The construct of teaching self-efficacy is related to the inferences that teachers cause about their own ability to achieve certain results in the teaching-learning process. In accordance with that premise the objective of this study was investigate the relevance of teaching self-efficacy beliefs in accounting graduation at a private university in Recife. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, prospective and observational study. The sample consisted of 21 teachers who tutor specific and alike subjects. The instruments used were: Participant Characterization Questionnaire and its activity, Teacher Self-efficacy Scale. Was identified that 25% of teachers ministering specific disciplines have a very high level of intentionality, compared to those in related alike disciplines (9%); 21% of teachers ministering specific disciplines have a very high class management, compared to those in related alike disciplines (6%). At the completion of this study was concluded that professors on the faculty of specific disciplines have a higher self-efficacy belief than those responsible for ministering related alike disciplines.
Orientação: Márcia Karina da Silva ; co-orientação: Manuel Tavares