Constitucionalismo abusivo : fundamentos teóricos e uma análise de sua utilização na América Latina e Europa
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Esta dissertação identifica um fenômeno cada vez mais importante: O Constitucionalismo
abusivo, o qual é caracterizado por meio do uso de mecanismos de transmutação
constitucional para corromper a ordem democrática. Uma série de ocorrências recentes em
um grupo diversificado de países da América Latina e Europa revelou que os dispositivos
de alteração e emendas constitucionais podem ser utilizados por supostos autocratas
disfarçados com o intuito principal de dizimar a democracia, de forma relativamente fácil.
No decorrer dos anos os golpes militares e outras rupturas flagrantes na ordem
constitucional caíram em desuso, agora, os atores apostam de forma engenhosa em refazer
a ordem constitucional com mudanças aparentemente sutis, com o propósito de complexar
a sua substituição e retirar das mãos dos tribunais a aptidão de supervisionar os seus atos.
As eleições tradicionais continuam a existir nos regimes resultantes dessas manobras, não
sendo visto como comandos totalmente autoritários, mas são consideravelmente menos
democráticas do que eram anteriormente. Existe uma irresolução em relação ao problema
em virtude de os mecanismos que proporcionam o desencadeio do controle de defesa
democrático, tanto no direito constitucional comparado quanto no direito internacional,
serem amplamente ineficazes. Muitos dos recursos apontados na literatura, como a
concepção alemã de democracia militante e as emendas constitucionais, dificilmente
conseguem combater a ameaça do constitucionalismo abusivo ou por outro lado de forma
facilitada conseguem os protagonistas autoritários que detém o poder, evitá-las A intenção
dessa pesquisa é propor um debate sobre um tema complexo e desconhecido, e ainda
apontar as maneiras de reerguer a democracia e abolir essas ameaças contra a Constituição,
embora reconheça a extrema dificuldade da tarefa. O fenômeno do constitucionalismo
abusivo deve impactar o debate a respeito do modo em que o direito constitucional
comparado e o direito internacional podem adequadamente ser mais vantajosos, na
intenção de salvaguardar as democracias.
This dissertation identifies an increasingly important phenomenon: Abusive Constitutionalism, which is characterized by the use of mechanisms of constitutional transmutation to corrupt the democratic order. A series of recent events in a diverse group of countries in Latin America and Europe has revealed that constitutional amendments and amendments can be used by allegedly disguised autocrats with the main purpose of decimating democracy relatively easily. Over the years, military coups and other blatant ruptures in the constitutional order have fallen into disuse, now the actors are ingeniously betting on redoing the constitutional order with apparently subtle changes, with the purpose of complexing their replacement and removing them from the courts. the ability to supervise their actions. Traditional elections continue to exist in the regimes resulting from these maneuvers, not being seen as fully authoritarian commands, but they are considerably less democratic than they were previously. There is an irresolution in relation to the problem due to the fact that the mechanisms that trigger democratic defense control, both in comparative constitutional law and in international law, are largely ineffective. Many of the resources pointed out in the literature, such as the German conception of militant democracy and constitutional amendments, are hardly able to combat the threat of abusive constitutionalism or, on the other hand, the authoritarian protagonists who hold the power, avoid them, in an easier way. it is to propose a debate on a complex and unknown topic, and also to point out the ways to rebuild democracy and abolish these threats against the Constitution, although it recognizes the extreme difficulty of the task. The phenomenon of abusive constitutionalism should impact the debate over the way in which comparative constitutional law and international law can adequately be more advantageous, with the intention of safeguarding democracies.
This dissertation identifies an increasingly important phenomenon: Abusive Constitutionalism, which is characterized by the use of mechanisms of constitutional transmutation to corrupt the democratic order. A series of recent events in a diverse group of countries in Latin America and Europe has revealed that constitutional amendments and amendments can be used by allegedly disguised autocrats with the main purpose of decimating democracy relatively easily. Over the years, military coups and other blatant ruptures in the constitutional order have fallen into disuse, now the actors are ingeniously betting on redoing the constitutional order with apparently subtle changes, with the purpose of complexing their replacement and removing them from the courts. the ability to supervise their actions. Traditional elections continue to exist in the regimes resulting from these maneuvers, not being seen as fully authoritarian commands, but they are considerably less democratic than they were previously. There is an irresolution in relation to the problem due to the fact that the mechanisms that trigger democratic defense control, both in comparative constitutional law and in international law, are largely ineffective. Many of the resources pointed out in the literature, such as the German conception of militant democracy and constitutional amendments, are hardly able to combat the threat of abusive constitutionalism or, on the other hand, the authoritarian protagonists who hold the power, avoid them, in an easier way. it is to propose a debate on a complex and unknown topic, and also to point out the ways to rebuild democracy and abolish these threats against the Constitution, although it recognizes the extreme difficulty of the task. The phenomenon of abusive constitutionalism should impact the debate over the way in which comparative constitutional law and international law can adequately be more advantageous, with the intention of safeguarding democracies.
Orientação: Gustavo Jorge Gramaxo Rozeira