A rede frontoparietal nos processos de interação entre memória de trabalho e atenção seletiva : evidência causal em pacientes com lesão
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A rede frontoparietal é uma rede de regiões cerebrais que se estende pelos lobos frontal e parietal do cérebro humano. Estudos de neuroimagiologia funcional e neuroestimulação sugerem um importante papel da rede frontoparietal na memória de trabalho (MT), atenção seletiva (AS) e sua interação. O presente estudo busca testar causalidade da rede frontoparietal em processos de controlo mnemónico e atenção seletiva. Um grupo de pacientes com lesão frontoparietal nos dois hemisférios (n =2) e um grupo de controlos (n = 22) foram testados num paradigma que em simultâneo manipula a memória de trabalho (MT) e a atenção seletiva (AS). Mais especificamente ao nível da capacidade de controlar e manipular conteúdos da memoria para potenciar vieses atencionais para estímulos sensoriais relevantes. Numa análise ao nível grupal não foram verificadas diferenças significativas no desempenho cognitivo. Por seu turno, numa análise individual foram verificas diferenças sugerindo que pacientes (comparativamente com o grupo de controlo) apresentam algum nível de dificuldade na sua capacidade de gerar vieses atencionais rápidos para estímulos sensoriais/visuais relevantes que compartilham semelhanças com os conteúdos da memória. Estes resultados sugerem que a lesão frontoparietal poderá até certo nível comprometer processos de controlo mnemónico, atencional e oculomotor. No entanto estudos futuros com amostras mais significativas serão essenciais para esclarecer de uma forma mais robusta o papel de rede frontoparietal na função cognitiva. Palavras-chave: Rede Frontoparietal, Atenção Seletiva, Memória de Trabalho, Lesão
The frontoparietal network is a network of brain regions that extends through the frontal and parietal lobes of the human brain. Functional neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies suggest an important role for the frontoparietal network in working memory (WM), selective attention (SE) and their interaction. The present study seeks to test the causality of the frontoparietal network in processes of mnemonic control and selective attention. A group of patients with frontoparietal lesions in both hemispheres (n = 2) and a group of controls (n = 22) were tested in a paradigm that simultaneously manipulates working memory (WM) and selective attention (SE). More specifically, in terms of the ability to control and manipulate memory contents to enhance attentional biases towards relevant sensory stimuli. In a group analysis, there were no significant differences in cognitive performance. On the other hand, an individual analysis found differences suggesting that patients (compared to the control group) present some level of difficulty in their ability to generate rapid attentional biases for relevant sensory/visual stimuli that share similarities with memory contents. These results suggest that the frontoparietal lesion may compromise mnemonic, attentional and oculomotor control processes to some degree. However, future studies with larger samples will be essential to clarify the role of the frontoparietal network in cognitive function in a more robust way. Keywords: Frontoparietal Network, Selective Attention, Working Memory, Stroke
The frontoparietal network is a network of brain regions that extends through the frontal and parietal lobes of the human brain. Functional neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies suggest an important role for the frontoparietal network in working memory (WM), selective attention (SE) and their interaction. The present study seeks to test the causality of the frontoparietal network in processes of mnemonic control and selective attention. A group of patients with frontoparietal lesions in both hemispheres (n = 2) and a group of controls (n = 22) were tested in a paradigm that simultaneously manipulates working memory (WM) and selective attention (SE). More specifically, in terms of the ability to control and manipulate memory contents to enhance attentional biases towards relevant sensory stimuli. In a group analysis, there were no significant differences in cognitive performance. On the other hand, an individual analysis found differences suggesting that patients (compared to the control group) present some level of difficulty in their ability to generate rapid attentional biases for relevant sensory/visual stimuli that share similarities with memory contents. These results suggest that the frontoparietal lesion may compromise mnemonic, attentional and oculomotor control processes to some degree. However, future studies with larger samples will be essential to clarify the role of the frontoparietal network in cognitive function in a more robust way. Keywords: Frontoparietal Network, Selective Attention, Working Memory, Stroke