Ajustamento psicossocial dos cuidadores informais de pessoas com doença de alzheimer : uma revisão sistemática
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O estudo do conceito de ajustamento psicossocial tem vindo a alterar-se ao longo
do tempo e a ganhar cada vez mais importância na sociedade, tal como o conceito de
cuidador informal e as suas necessidades. Assim, a presente revisão tem como principal
objetivo obter uma descrição detalhada dos cuidadores informais de pessoas com Doença
de Alzheimer – características, necessidades e impacto na qualidade de vida que constitua
uma resposta à tarefa de cuidar e às suas consequências. Para o efeito, recorreu-se à análise
das publicações indexadas nas principais bases de dados, nomeadamente B-on; PubMed;
Scielo; Web of Science; Capes Periódicos; Ebsco, Apa PsyInfo; e o Google Scholar. A
análise das publicações entre 1994 e 2020 resultou na inclusão de quarenta e uma
publicações. Foi possível verificar que há um interesse europeu e internacional na
investigação sobre cuidadores informais. De todas as publicações analisadas, constatou-se
ser o género feminino o mais prevalente em cuidadores informais, apresentando maiores
níveis de sobrecarga, ansiedade e depressão, tendo grande impacto na sua saúde e
qualidade de vida. Para suprimir esse efeito negativo, é necessário adotar técnicas de
ajustamento psicossocial. As estratégias mais frequentemente utilizadas são as
intervenções psicoeducativas, as estratégias de coping focadas na emoção e os grupos de
apoio. Conclui-se que a conceção e desenvolvimento de respostas psicossociais de apoio às
necessidades dos cuidadores são fundamentais para o bem-estar, sendo importante
promover modalidades que possibilitem ao cuidador descansar. Nesta revisão apresentam se algumas sugestões, nomeadamente ao nível da prevenção/intervenção, enfatizando as
respostas às necessidades, o trabalho terapêutico que foque as estratégias de coping e,
principalmente a interpretação/significado que é dado ao ato de cuidar a fim de diminuir a
sobrecarga dos cuidadores.
The study of the concept of psychosocial adjustment has been changing over time and gaining more and more importance in society, as has the concept of informal caregiver and its needs. Thus, the present review has as main objective to obtain a detailed description of informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer's Disease - characteristics, needs and impact on the quality of life that constitutes an answer to the task of caring and its consequences. For this purpose, the analysis of publications indexed in the main databases was used, namely B-on; PubMed; Scielo; Web of Science; Periodic Capes; Ebsco, Apa PsyInfo; and Google Scholar. The analysis of publications between 1994 and 2020 resulted in the inclusion of forty-one publications. It was possible to verify that there is a European and international interest in the investigation of informal caregivers. Of all the analyzed publications, it was found that the female gender is the most prevalent in informal caregivers, presenting high levels of overload, anxiety and depression, having a great impact on their health and quality of life. To suppress this negative effect, it is necessary to adopt psychosocial adjustment techniques. The most frequently used strategies are psychoeducational interventions, coping strategies focused on emotion and support groups. It is concluded that the conception and development of psychosocial responses to support the needs of caregivers are fundamental to well-being, and it is important to promote modalities that enable the caregiver to rest. In this review, some suggestions are presented, namely in terms of prevention / intervention, emphasizing the responses to needs, the therapeutic work that focuses on coping strategies and, mainly, the interpretation / meaning that is given to the act of caring in order to reduce the overload of caregivers.
The study of the concept of psychosocial adjustment has been changing over time and gaining more and more importance in society, as has the concept of informal caregiver and its needs. Thus, the present review has as main objective to obtain a detailed description of informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer's Disease - characteristics, needs and impact on the quality of life that constitutes an answer to the task of caring and its consequences. For this purpose, the analysis of publications indexed in the main databases was used, namely B-on; PubMed; Scielo; Web of Science; Periodic Capes; Ebsco, Apa PsyInfo; and Google Scholar. The analysis of publications between 1994 and 2020 resulted in the inclusion of forty-one publications. It was possible to verify that there is a European and international interest in the investigation of informal caregivers. Of all the analyzed publications, it was found that the female gender is the most prevalent in informal caregivers, presenting high levels of overload, anxiety and depression, having a great impact on their health and quality of life. To suppress this negative effect, it is necessary to adopt psychosocial adjustment techniques. The most frequently used strategies are psychoeducational interventions, coping strategies focused on emotion and support groups. It is concluded that the conception and development of psychosocial responses to support the needs of caregivers are fundamental to well-being, and it is important to promote modalities that enable the caregiver to rest. In this review, some suggestions are presented, namely in terms of prevention / intervention, emphasizing the responses to needs, the therapeutic work that focuses on coping strategies and, mainly, the interpretation / meaning that is given to the act of caring in order to reduce the overload of caregivers.
Orientação: Maria Teresa Soares Souto