Estudo da metrite puerperal numa exploração leiteira da região de Idanha-a-Nova
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Com o presente trabalho, pretendeu realizar-se um resumo bibliográfico, seguido de um estudo de campo, contribuindo para uma melhor identificação da metrite puerperal, dos factores responsáveis pelo seu desenvolvimento, bem como das consequências que diariamente provoca nas explorações de bovinos leiteiros em Portugal.
O estudo foi realizado numa exploração leiteira de grande dimensão, e contou com uma amostragem de 202 animais que completaram a gestação entre final de Outubro e fim de Fevereiro e que foram sujeitos a um exame de monitorização das vacas recém-paridas.
Durante o exame, foi possível observar a metrite puerperal em 37,8% das vacas. Constatou-se também que a palpação vaginal é um método extremamente eficaz, prático e útil na detecção da metrite puerperal em explorações de grandes dimensões. Na análise dos factores de risco, constatou-se que a incidência da metrite não se encontrou significativamente correlacionada com o número de lactações, com o período do ano em que se diagnosticou a metrite, com os partos distócicos ou com a retenção placentária.
Ao dia 30-37 pp., os animais com metrite puerperal tiveram maior probabilidade de desenvolver endometrite clínica. As vacas com metrite puerperal também apresentaram menor quantidade de leite produzido, e afectaram a performance reprodutiva com um aumento do intervalo parto-concepção, do número serviços até concepção e com diminuição da taxa de animais gestantes ao 1º serviço.
With this survey, it is intended to develop a bibliographic review, followed by a field investigation, contributing to a better identification of puerperal metritis, the factors responsible for their development, as well as the consequences that daily causes in dairy herds in Portugal. The survey was carried out in a large dairy farm, and had a sampling of 202 animals that completed pregnancy between late October and late February, and were subject to a fresh cows examination program. During the examination, it was possible to determinate that 37,8% of cows had puerperal metritis. It was also perceived that vaginal palpation is an extremely effective, practical and useful method to detect puerperal metritis on large dairy farms. In the analysis to the risk factors, it was perceived that the incidence of puerperal metritis was not influenced by parity, month of the year, dystocia or retained placenta. At day 30-37 pp, cows with puerperal metritis were more likely to develop clinical endometritis. Cows with puerperal endometritis had also lower milk yield and affected reproductive performance with an increased on the interval from calving to conception, number of services to conception and decrease rate on first service conception.
With this survey, it is intended to develop a bibliographic review, followed by a field investigation, contributing to a better identification of puerperal metritis, the factors responsible for their development, as well as the consequences that daily causes in dairy herds in Portugal. The survey was carried out in a large dairy farm, and had a sampling of 202 animals that completed pregnancy between late October and late February, and were subject to a fresh cows examination program. During the examination, it was possible to determinate that 37,8% of cows had puerperal metritis. It was also perceived that vaginal palpation is an extremely effective, practical and useful method to detect puerperal metritis on large dairy farms. In the analysis to the risk factors, it was perceived that the incidence of puerperal metritis was not influenced by parity, month of the year, dystocia or retained placenta. At day 30-37 pp, cows with puerperal metritis were more likely to develop clinical endometritis. Cows with puerperal endometritis had also lower milk yield and affected reproductive performance with an increased on the interval from calving to conception, number of services to conception and decrease rate on first service conception.
Orientação : António Álvaro Dias Lopes ; Co-orientação : João António Martins Cannas da Silva