O paradoxo da regulação pública e liberdade de empresa : uma análise da efectividade da garantia de livre iniciativa privada na ordem jurídica portuguesa
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A medida de intervenção estatal na liberdade econômica privada é um dos principais
paradoxos dos modernos Estados Democráticos de Direito, cujo ênfase de atuação é a
primazia do interesse público. O grande desafio dessas ordens jurídicas é estipular um
caminho de respeito aos interesses colectivos, sem ao mesmo tempo aniquilar os interesses
econômicos privados constitucionalmente garantidos. Em Portugal, dentro as liberdades
econômicas garantidas pelo Estado, encontra-se no n. º1 do art. º61 da CRP a garantia de
liberdade de empresa, como uma das garantias e direitos fundamentais da nação. Ao
mesmo tempo, vigora em Portugal o modelo regulatório de intervenção do Estado na
economia, com um regime de restrições as liberdades dos agentes econômicos, cujo intuito
é a garantia do bem-social. Todavia, observa-se que o excesso de regulação é tão nocivo
quanto a total ausência de intervenção estatal na economia, pois resulta em uma indevida
ingerência pública no mercado. Restrições indevidas ao acesso e exercício da atividade
empresarial, pode ter o efeito prático de anulação da garantia constitucional de liberdade de
empresa. Com isso em vista, a presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar criticamente os
condicionadores existentes para o acesso e exercício das actividades económico empresariais, no atual regime administrativo de liberdade de empresa em Portugal. Para
tanto, o método da pesquisa será dedutivo, com uma abordagem bibliográfica e
documental, numa perspectiva analítica, comparativa, crítica e textual.
The measure of state intervention in private economic freedom is one of the main paradoxes of modern Democratic States of Law, whose emphasis of action is the primacy of the public interest. The great challenge of these legal orders is to stipulate a path of respect for collective interests, without at the same time annihilating the constitutionally guaranteed private economic interests. In Portugal, within the economic freedoms guaranteed by the State, it is found in n. 1 of art. 61 of the CRP guarantees freedom of enterprise, as one of the fundamental guarantees and rights of the nation. At the same time, the regulatory model of State intervention in the economy prevails in Portugal, with a regime of restrictions on the freedoms of economic agents, whose purpose is to guarantee social welfare. However, it is observed that over-regulation is as harmful as the total absence of state intervention in the economy, as it results in undue public interference in the market. Undue restrictions on access and exercise of business activity, may have the practical effect of nullifying the constitutional guarantee of freedom of enterprise. With this in mind, the present research proposes to critically analyze the existing conditioners for the access and exercise of economic-business activities, in the current administrative regime of freedom of enterprise in Portugal. Therefore, the research method will be deductive, with a bibliographic and documentary approach, in an analytical, comparative, critical and textual perspective.
The measure of state intervention in private economic freedom is one of the main paradoxes of modern Democratic States of Law, whose emphasis of action is the primacy of the public interest. The great challenge of these legal orders is to stipulate a path of respect for collective interests, without at the same time annihilating the constitutionally guaranteed private economic interests. In Portugal, within the economic freedoms guaranteed by the State, it is found in n. 1 of art. 61 of the CRP guarantees freedom of enterprise, as one of the fundamental guarantees and rights of the nation. At the same time, the regulatory model of State intervention in the economy prevails in Portugal, with a regime of restrictions on the freedoms of economic agents, whose purpose is to guarantee social welfare. However, it is observed that over-regulation is as harmful as the total absence of state intervention in the economy, as it results in undue public interference in the market. Undue restrictions on access and exercise of business activity, may have the practical effect of nullifying the constitutional guarantee of freedom of enterprise. With this in mind, the present research proposes to critically analyze the existing conditioners for the access and exercise of economic-business activities, in the current administrative regime of freedom of enterprise in Portugal. Therefore, the research method will be deductive, with a bibliographic and documentary approach, in an analytical, comparative, critical and textual perspective.
Orientação: Nuno José Vasconcelos de Albuquerque e Sousa