O limite formal do Instituto da Suspensão da Execução da Pena de Prisão
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A Suspensão da Execução da Pena de Prisão encontra-se regulada no art.º 50 e ss do CP
e é uma medida substitutiva da pena de prisão. A sua aplicação pressupõe a condenação em
pena de prisão em medida não superior a 5 anos- medida esta alargada com a Revisão ao Código
Penal de 2007 pela Lei n.º 59/2007, de 4 de setembro- e uma análise meticulosa pelos Tribunais
das circunstâncias subjetivas do n.º 1 do art.º 50 do CP, que se decompõem num juízo de
prognose, que deve ser favorável caso contrário não se aplica esta medida alternativa. Esta pode
ser acompanhada por deveres, com o intuito de reparar o mal causado pela conduta, subordinada
a regras de conduta, que consistem em injunções para auxiliar a reintegração do agente e ainda
assegurada pelo regime de prova, que garante maiores certezas por haver um maior controlo do
Este instituto de cumprimento da pena de prisão extramuros é aplicado para facilitar a
ressocialização do agente, prevenir a sua reincidência no mundo do crime e ainda para reduzir
a sobrelotação dos estabelecimentos prisionais.
Devido ao alargamento do pressuposto formal da suspensão da pena de prisão há um
uso excessivo desta por parte dos Tribunais, que punem com medidas inferiores ao que
deveriam para que caiba no âmbito de aplicação do instituto. As necessidades de prevenção
especial, que apesar de também serem essenciais para a aplicação desta medida substitutiva,
têm prevalecido perante as necessidades de prevenção geral gerando um crescente
descontentamento e desconfiança perante o nosso ordenamento jurídico.
Palavras- Chave: Pressuposto Formal; Prevenção Geral; Prevenção Especial; Reincidência;
The Suspension for the Execution of the Prison Sentence is regulated in the 50th article and ss of the PC and configures a substitute measure for the prison sentence. Its application presupposes a specification for a prison sentence of no more than 5 years - this measure is extended with the Revision of the 2007 Penal Code by Law no. 59/2007, of September 4th - and a scrupulous analysis care by the Courts of the subjective situations of no. 1 on the 50th article from the PC, which are decompose in a prognostic judgment, which must be favourable otherwise, this alternative measure is not applied. This may be accompanied by obligations, with the intention of repairing the harm caused by conduct, subjected to rules of conduct, which consists in injunctions to assist the reintegration of the agent and also ensured by the probation regime, which guarantees greater certainties due to greater agent control. This institute for serving extramural prison sentences is applied to facilitate the resocialization of the agent, crime recurrence prevention and also to reduce overcapacity of the prison institutions. Due to the extension of the formal assumption of the suspension of prison sentences, there is an excessive use of this by the Courts, which lighter punishment measures are applied so that it falls within the scope of application of the institute. The need for special prevention, despite they are essential for this substitute measure application, have been prevalent in the face of general prevention needs, producing an increasing dissatisfaction and disbelief towards our legal system. Keywords: Formal Assumption; General Prevention; Special Prevention; Recidivism; Jurisprudence
The Suspension for the Execution of the Prison Sentence is regulated in the 50th article and ss of the PC and configures a substitute measure for the prison sentence. Its application presupposes a specification for a prison sentence of no more than 5 years - this measure is extended with the Revision of the 2007 Penal Code by Law no. 59/2007, of September 4th - and a scrupulous analysis care by the Courts of the subjective situations of no. 1 on the 50th article from the PC, which are decompose in a prognostic judgment, which must be favourable otherwise, this alternative measure is not applied. This may be accompanied by obligations, with the intention of repairing the harm caused by conduct, subjected to rules of conduct, which consists in injunctions to assist the reintegration of the agent and also ensured by the probation regime, which guarantees greater certainties due to greater agent control. This institute for serving extramural prison sentences is applied to facilitate the resocialization of the agent, crime recurrence prevention and also to reduce overcapacity of the prison institutions. Due to the extension of the formal assumption of the suspension of prison sentences, there is an excessive use of this by the Courts, which lighter punishment measures are applied so that it falls within the scope of application of the institute. The need for special prevention, despite they are essential for this substitute measure application, have been prevalent in the face of general prevention needs, producing an increasing dissatisfaction and disbelief towards our legal system. Keywords: Formal Assumption; General Prevention; Special Prevention; Recidivism; Jurisprudence
Orientação: Inês Fernandes Godinho