Meningioma intracraniano canino : estudo de três casos clínicos
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Esta dissertação é realizada no âmbito da conclusão do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade Lusófona e tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento do tema "Meningioma Intracraniano Canino". Inclui a revisão bibliográfica referente ao tema, bem como a descrição de três casos clínicos acompanhados aquando do estágio curricular na Referência Veterinária. O meningioma corresponde ao tumor primário do sistema nervoso central mais comum no cão. É atualmente classificado de acordo com o Sistema de Classificação de Tumores do Sistema Nervoso Central estabelecido pela OMS em 2016. Acomete maioritariamente animais com mais de 8 anos, cujo peso vivo médio é de 25,6 Kg. Entre as raças mais predispostas estão: Golden Retriever, Schnauzer Miniatura, Rat Terrier e Pastor Alemão. A atividade epilética é o sinal clínico mais comumente verificado. A ressonância magnética, corresponde à técnica gold standard quando nos referimos ao diagnóstico de tumores intracranianos, apesar de que apenas a biópsia cerebral da lesão permite a obtenção de um diagnóstico definitivo. A modalidade terapêutica que está associada a um maior tempo de sobrevida é a combinação da excisão cirúrgica com a radioterapia adjuvante. A maior parte dos meningiomas intracranianos caninos são de baixo grau histológico, o que está associado a um prognóstico relativamente favorável. Na presente dissertação, foram apresentados três casos clínicos com o diagnóstico definitivo de meningioma intracraniano. Referentes a cães de 8, 6 e 8 anos, respetivamente, o primeiro caso abordado foi relativo a uma paciente do género feminino, e os restantes acerca de pacientes do género masculino. Em todos os casos, a massa intracraniana foi diagnosticada com recurso à ressonância magnética e as abordagens terapêuticas eleitas foram: craniotomia transfrontal; craniectomia suboccipital e quimioterapia adjuvante; craniotomia transfrontal e quimioterapia adjuvante, para os casos 1, 2 e 3, respetivamente. O grau de prognóstico diferiu entre os três casos clínicos. Palavras-chave: canino; meningioma; ressonância magnética; sistema nervoso central
This dissertation is being carried out as part of the completion of the Integrated Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine at Universidade Lusófona and aims to develop the theme "Canine Intracranial Meningioma". It includes a bibliographical review of the subject, as well as a description of three clinical cases followed up during the curricular internship at Referência Veterinária. Meningioma is the most common primary tumor of the central nervous system in dogs. It is currently classified according to the Central Nervous System Tumor Classification System established by the WHO in 2016. It mostly affects animals over 8 years old, with an average weight of 25.6 kg. The most predisposed breeds are: Golden Retriever, Miniature Schnauzer, Rat Terrier and German Shepherd. Epileptic activity is the most common clinical sign. Magnetic resonance imaging is the gold standard technique when it comes to diagnosing intracranial tumors, although only a brain biopsy of the lesion can provide a definitive diagnosis. The therapeutic modality that is associated with the longest survival time is the combination of surgical excision and adjuvant radiotherapy. Most canine intracranial meningiomas are of low histological grade, which is associated with a relatively favorable prognosis. This dissertation presents three clinical cases with a definitive diagnosis of intracranial meningioma. Referring to 8-, 6- and 8-years old canines, respectively, the first case dealt with a female patient, and the others with male patients. In all cases, the intracranial mass was diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging and the therapeutic approaches chosen were: transfrontal craniotomy; suboccipital craniectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy; transfrontal craniotomy and adjuvant chemotherapy, for cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The degree of prognosis differed between the three clinical cases. Keywords: canine; meningioma; magnetic resonance imaging; central nervous system.
This dissertation is being carried out as part of the completion of the Integrated Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine at Universidade Lusófona and aims to develop the theme "Canine Intracranial Meningioma". It includes a bibliographical review of the subject, as well as a description of three clinical cases followed up during the curricular internship at Referência Veterinária. Meningioma is the most common primary tumor of the central nervous system in dogs. It is currently classified according to the Central Nervous System Tumor Classification System established by the WHO in 2016. It mostly affects animals over 8 years old, with an average weight of 25.6 kg. The most predisposed breeds are: Golden Retriever, Miniature Schnauzer, Rat Terrier and German Shepherd. Epileptic activity is the most common clinical sign. Magnetic resonance imaging is the gold standard technique when it comes to diagnosing intracranial tumors, although only a brain biopsy of the lesion can provide a definitive diagnosis. The therapeutic modality that is associated with the longest survival time is the combination of surgical excision and adjuvant radiotherapy. Most canine intracranial meningiomas are of low histological grade, which is associated with a relatively favorable prognosis. This dissertation presents three clinical cases with a definitive diagnosis of intracranial meningioma. Referring to 8-, 6- and 8-years old canines, respectively, the first case dealt with a female patient, and the others with male patients. In all cases, the intracranial mass was diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging and the therapeutic approaches chosen were: transfrontal craniotomy; suboccipital craniectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy; transfrontal craniotomy and adjuvant chemotherapy, for cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The degree of prognosis differed between the three clinical cases. Keywords: canine; meningioma; magnetic resonance imaging; central nervous system.