Contributo para a organização do sistema de proteção civil à escala municipal
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A Proteção Civil na organização dos Estados tem uma história muito recente, sendo
praticamente tema de referência apenas a partir do século XXI como consequência quase
sempre de grandes catástrofes. Em muitos casos e sobretudo em países que estiveram em
guerra ou em grande tensão transfronteiriça a Proteção Civil foi criada maioritariamente no
sentido da segurança civil “security”. Noutros países a vertente socorro “safety”, está mais
patente nos objetivos do sistema como é o caso de Portugal e da maioria dos países aderentes
ao Mecanismo Europeu de Proteção Civil, e até mesmo em parte do Canadá.
O lema “Para socorrer, primeiro é preciso lá chegar” reforça o patamar mais baixo da
Proteção Civil: os níveis municipais e locais. A atividade desenvolvida nos Serviços
Municipais de Proteção Civil dotaram o autor de um conjunto de conhecimentos que lhe
permitiram, por um lado organizar e implementar um modelo que, ajustado às condições
locais, se tem mostrado como eficaz e aceite pelas populações e por outro lado apresentar
alguns contributos para a melhoria do sistema de Proteção Civil ao nível da sua base. As
ideias recolhidas a este nível dos estudos de caso apreciados nesta dissertação, a análise
SWOT aqui feita ao município de Vieira do Minho e os contributos recebidos dos colegas
de Mestrado com níveis e experiências diferentes, em conjunto com a experiência pessoal
do autor, permitem o avançar de alguns considerandos.
A disponibilidade política para alterações na organização do sistema, bem como a
sensibilidade da sociedade para a área da Proteção Civil, abrem portas para novos desafios
e atitudes. A integração tecnológica e um maior conhecimento científico devem ser
desenvolvidos em parceria com Instituições de Ensino Superior. Ao nível local, a
implementação de Unidades Locais de Proteção Civil e do programa Aldeia Segura e a
criação de uma articulação entre os diversos serviços do município, associados a uma maior
formação da população para as áreas da Proteção Civil e autoproteção podem, sem qualquer
dúvida, vir a ser determinantes para o alcance de uma resposta eficaz e a criação de uma
comunidade mais resiliente. Com uma maior proximidade do Planeamento e Socorro à
população e sobretudo com um cidadão mais preparado será mais fácil alcançar os objetivos
da Proteção Civil: A proteção de Pessoas, Bens e Ambiente.
Civil Protection in the organization of states has a very recent history, being practically a reference theme only from the 21st century as a consequence almost always of major disasters. In many cases, and especially in countries that have been at war or in severe crossborder tension, Civil Protection has been created primarily in the sense of civil security. In other countries the Safety aspect is more evident in the objectives of the system, such as Portugal and most of the countries included on the European Civil Protection Mechanism, and even in part of Canada. The motto “To Help, First You Have to Get There” reinforces the lowest level of Civil Protection: the municipal and local levels. The activity developed in the Municipal Civil Protection Services endowed the author with a set of knowledge that allowed him to organize and implement a model that, adjusted to local conditions, has been shown to be effective and accepted by the populations and to present some contributions to improving the Civil Protection system at the grassroots level. The ideas gathered at this level from the case studies appreciated in this dissertation, the swot analysis made here to the municipality of Vieira do Minho and the contributions received from the masters colleagues with different levels and experiences, together with the author's personal experience, allow the advance by some recitals. The political readiness for changes in the system's organization, as well as society's sensitivity to the Civil Protection area, open doors to new challenges and attitudes. Technological integration and greater scientific knowledge should be developed in partnership with higher education institutions. At the local level, the implementation of Local Civil Protection Units and Safe Village and the creation of a mechanism of articulation between the various services of the municipality, linked to a better formation of the population for the areas of Civil Protection and self-protection can undoubtedly become crucial for achieving an effective response and creating a more resilient community. Closer planning and relief to the population and especially to a better prepared citizen will make it easier to achieve the objectives of Civil Protection: Protection of People, Property and Environment.
Civil Protection in the organization of states has a very recent history, being practically a reference theme only from the 21st century as a consequence almost always of major disasters. In many cases, and especially in countries that have been at war or in severe crossborder tension, Civil Protection has been created primarily in the sense of civil security. In other countries the Safety aspect is more evident in the objectives of the system, such as Portugal and most of the countries included on the European Civil Protection Mechanism, and even in part of Canada. The motto “To Help, First You Have to Get There” reinforces the lowest level of Civil Protection: the municipal and local levels. The activity developed in the Municipal Civil Protection Services endowed the author with a set of knowledge that allowed him to organize and implement a model that, adjusted to local conditions, has been shown to be effective and accepted by the populations and to present some contributions to improving the Civil Protection system at the grassroots level. The ideas gathered at this level from the case studies appreciated in this dissertation, the swot analysis made here to the municipality of Vieira do Minho and the contributions received from the masters colleagues with different levels and experiences, together with the author's personal experience, allow the advance by some recitals. The political readiness for changes in the system's organization, as well as society's sensitivity to the Civil Protection area, open doors to new challenges and attitudes. Technological integration and greater scientific knowledge should be developed in partnership with higher education institutions. At the local level, the implementation of Local Civil Protection Units and Safe Village and the creation of a mechanism of articulation between the various services of the municipality, linked to a better formation of the population for the areas of Civil Protection and self-protection can undoubtedly become crucial for achieving an effective response and creating a more resilient community. Closer planning and relief to the population and especially to a better prepared citizen will make it easier to achieve the objectives of Civil Protection: Protection of People, Property and Environment.
Orientação: Joaquim Pais Barbosa