Intervisão, supervisão e prática deliberada em psicoterapia : revisão sistemática
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A intervenção do/a psicólogo/a é fundamental na promoção de saúde mental e na
prevenção do desenvolvimento de perturbações. Contudo, o papel destes profissionais nem
sempre é reconhecido. Esta investigação concerne a uma investigação sistemática e surge
face à necessidade de explorar a literatura referente à intervisão, supervisão e prática
deliberada, como práticas essenciais ao desenvolvimento do/a psicólogo/a e intervenções
mais precisas e eficazes. Desta forma, esta revisão sistemática pretende: a) explorar o
conceito destas atividades, quais os fundamentos, semelhanças e diferenças; b) analisar a
existência de correlação entre estas dimensões e, o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional
do/a psicólogo/a e a qualidade da psicoterapia. Para a concretização desta investigação
recorreu-se às seguintes bases de dados: Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, PubMed e
Web of Science. A recolha da literatura incluiu artigos publicados entre os meses de janeiro
de 2012 e abril de 2022. Atendendo aos critérios de elegibilidade, foram incluídos seis
artigos. Os resultados deste trabalho apenas abordam a prática deliberada, uma vez que os
artigos selecionados apensas exploram esta atividade. Estes resultados demonstram que a
literatura sobre esta temática é escassa, salientando assim a necessidade de mais
Palavras-chave: Intervisão, supervisão, prática deliberada, terapeuta.
The psychologist's intervention is fundamental in promoting mental health and preventing the development of disorders. However, the role of these professionals is not always recognized. This research is a systematic investigation and arises from the need to explore the literature on supervision, intervision and deliberate practice as essential practices for psychologists' development and more accurate and effective interventions. Thus, this systematic review aims to: a) explore the concept of these activities, what are their foundations, similarities and differences; b) analyze the existence of correlation between these dimensions and the psychologist's personal and professional development and the quality of psychotherapy. To carry out this research, the following databases were used: Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, PubMed and Web of Science. The literature collection included articles published between January 2012 and April 2022. Given the eligibility criteria, six articles were included. The results of this paper only address deliberate practice, since the selected articles only explore this activity. These results demonstrate that the literature on this topic is scarce, thus highlighting the need for further research. Keywords: Intervision, supervision, deliberate practice, therapist
The psychologist's intervention is fundamental in promoting mental health and preventing the development of disorders. However, the role of these professionals is not always recognized. This research is a systematic investigation and arises from the need to explore the literature on supervision, intervision and deliberate practice as essential practices for psychologists' development and more accurate and effective interventions. Thus, this systematic review aims to: a) explore the concept of these activities, what are their foundations, similarities and differences; b) analyze the existence of correlation between these dimensions and the psychologist's personal and professional development and the quality of psychotherapy. To carry out this research, the following databases were used: Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, PubMed and Web of Science. The literature collection included articles published between January 2012 and April 2022. Given the eligibility criteria, six articles were included. The results of this paper only address deliberate practice, since the selected articles only explore this activity. These results demonstrate that the literature on this topic is scarce, thus highlighting the need for further research. Keywords: Intervision, supervision, deliberate practice, therapist
Orientação: Dulce Patrícia Vale de Vasconcelos Pinto