Gramática para quê? : produção textual argumentativa na perspectiva da linguística sistêmico-funcional
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A presente investigação busca uma proposta de metodologia em sala de aula que aproxime a gramática internalizada a uma gramática funcional voltada para as competências da produção de textos argumentativos. Diante disto a questão de partida será: Como ligar a gramática internalizada, em cada indivíduo, a uma gramática funcional que seja base de uma literacia geral e desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico pelo domínio do texto argumentativo? O objetivo geral da pesquisa é de analisar a ligação entre a gramática implícita ou internalizada e a gramática funcional que permita ao indivíduo desenvolver uma linguagem que formule os conhecimentos ligados ao currículo e a vida cotidiana e possa produzir textos argumentativos em que assume o seu próprio pensamento. Como aportes teóricos teremos Luft (1985), Halliday (2004), Bakhtin (1997), Adam (1987), Bronckart (1999), Allal (2015), Martin & Rose (2008), Camps & Dolz (1995), Coimbra (2011), Neves (1994, 1999, 2002), Possenti (1996), Geraldi (1997), Perini (2003) e Gouveia (2009), alguns relacionados com a corrente sistêmico-funcional. A parte empírica terá metodologia participativa e serão analisados textos argumentativos dos estudantes do terceiro ano do ensino médio por estarem saindo da escola e com interesses de ingressarem em uma universidade. Será convidado um professor de língua portuguesa, que lecione em um dos terceiros anos, que aceite essa sugestão de metodologia baseada nas propostas sistêmico-funcionais, para em colaboração com a investigadora, propor aos estudantes uma sequência didática de produções textuais argumentativas. Os resultados apontaram que, as produções textuais no gênero argumentativo corresponderam positivamente à pergunta de partida e objetivos. O avanço nas escritas não esteve condicionado ao uso em quantidade de determinadas conjunções, mas no uso adequado delas mesmo em menor quantidade, e condicionado ao sentido e contexto da vida dos estudantes. Palavras-chave: Gramática implícita. Linguística sistêmico-funcional. Texto argumentativo.
The present investigation seeks a proposed methodology in the classroom that approximates implicit grammar to a functional grammar focused on the skills of producing argumentative texts. In view of this, the starting question will be: How to link the implicit grammar, in each individual, to a functional grammar that is the basis of a general literacy and development of critical thinking by mastering the argumentative text? The general objective of the research is to analyze the link between implicit grammar and functional grammar that allows the individual to develop a language that formulates knowledge linked to the curriculum and everyday life and can produce argumentative texts in which he assumes his own thinking. As theoretical contributions we will have Luft (1985), Halliday (2004), Bakhtin (1997), Adam (1987), Bronckart (1999), Allal (2015), Martin & Rose (2008), Camps & Dolz (1995), Coimbra (2011), Neves (1994, 1999, 2002), Possenti (1996), Geraldi (1997), Perini (2003) and Gouveia (2009), some related to the systemic-functional current. The empirical part will have a participatory methodology and argumentative texts of third-year high school students will be analyzed for leaving school and interested in joining a university. A Portuguese language teacher, who teaches in one of the third years, who accepts this suggestion of methodology based on systemic-functional proposals, will be invited to, in collaboration with the researcher, propose to students a didactic sequence of argumentative textual productions. The results showed that the textual productions in the argumentative genre corresponded positively to the starting question and objectives. The progress in writing was not conditioned to the use in quantity of finished conjunctions, but in the adequate use of them even in smaller quantity, and conditioned to the meaning and context of the students' lives. Keywords: Implicit grammar. Systemic-functional linguistics. Argumentative text.
The present investigation seeks a proposed methodology in the classroom that approximates implicit grammar to a functional grammar focused on the skills of producing argumentative texts. In view of this, the starting question will be: How to link the implicit grammar, in each individual, to a functional grammar that is the basis of a general literacy and development of critical thinking by mastering the argumentative text? The general objective of the research is to analyze the link between implicit grammar and functional grammar that allows the individual to develop a language that formulates knowledge linked to the curriculum and everyday life and can produce argumentative texts in which he assumes his own thinking. As theoretical contributions we will have Luft (1985), Halliday (2004), Bakhtin (1997), Adam (1987), Bronckart (1999), Allal (2015), Martin & Rose (2008), Camps & Dolz (1995), Coimbra (2011), Neves (1994, 1999, 2002), Possenti (1996), Geraldi (1997), Perini (2003) and Gouveia (2009), some related to the systemic-functional current. The empirical part will have a participatory methodology and argumentative texts of third-year high school students will be analyzed for leaving school and interested in joining a university. A Portuguese language teacher, who teaches in one of the third years, who accepts this suggestion of methodology based on systemic-functional proposals, will be invited to, in collaboration with the researcher, propose to students a didactic sequence of argumentative textual productions. The results showed that the textual productions in the argumentative genre corresponded positively to the starting question and objectives. The progress in writing was not conditioned to the use in quantity of finished conjunctions, but in the adequate use of them even in smaller quantity, and conditioned to the meaning and context of the students' lives. Keywords: Implicit grammar. Systemic-functional linguistics. Argumentative text.