Os benefícios da atividade física nas funções executivas em crianças e adolescentes com autismo: uma revisão sistemática
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A Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo (PEA) é uma perturbação do
neurodesenvolvimento caracterizada por dificuldades ao nível da interação e comunicação
social, a par de interesses restritos e comportamentos repetitivos. A PEA é também
caracterizada por inúmeros problemas nas Funções Executivas (FE), nomeadamente ao nível
da flexibilidade cognitiva, da memória de trabalho, do controlo inibitório, do planeamento e
da regulação emocional, tornando-se essencial compreender que respostas existem em
termos de intervenção para colmatar estas dificuldades. Neste âmbito, diversos estudos
sugerem que a implementação de programas de Atividade Física (AF) tem um impacto
positivo nas FE. Todavia, os benefícios desta prática em indivíduos com PEA não são ainda
claros. Portanto, o presente estudo pretende compreender os efeitos da AF nas FE em
crianças e adolescentes com PEA, através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura.
De forma a garantir o rigor metodológico, esta revisão seguiu os critérios PICO e as
diretrizes PRISMA. Para a pesquisa foram selecionadas as bases de dados ERIC, APA
PsycInfo e Academic Search Complete e as seguintes palavras-chave: Autism Spectrum
Disorders OR ASD OR Autism OR Aspergers OR Asperger Syndrome AND Executive
Function OR Executive Functioning AND Physical Activity OR Exercise OR Fitness OR
Physical Exercise OR Sport AND Children OR Adolescent. Nesta revisão, foram incluídos
um total de 9 estudos por respeitarem os critérios de inclusão/exclusão estabelecidos.
Os resultados sugerem que após a implementação de programas de AF, tais como
basquetebol, equitação, ciclismo, entre outros, a maioria dos estudos revelou benefícios para
a globalidade das FE analisadas (e.g., controlo inibitório, flexibilidade cognitiva e
planeamento). Contudo, dois estudos não revelaram efeitos significativos na memória de
trabalho e na regulação emocional.
Concluindo, esta revisão salienta os benefícios da AF nas FE em crianças e adolescentes
com PEA, o que representa uma mais-valia para esta população clínica. Porém, esta temática
carece de maior atenção e investigação dado o número reduzido de estudos analisados.
Palavras-chave: Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo; Funções Executivas; Atividade
Física; Crianças e Adolescentes
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disturb from the neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in interaction and social communication, along with restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. The ASD is also characterized by several problems in executive functions (EF), in particular in terms of cognitive flexibility, working memory, inhibitory control, planning and emotional regulation, make it essential to understand what answers exists in terms of intervention to overcome those difficulties. In this context, several studies suggest that implementation of Physical Activity (PA) programs has a positive impact on EF. However, the benefits of this practise in individuals with ASD are not totally clear. And because of this, the present study aims to understand the effects of PA on EF in children’s and adolescents with ASD, through a systematic review of the literature. In order to guarantee the methodological rigor, this review followed the PICO criteria and PRISMA guidelines. For the research it was selected several databases like: ERIC, APA PsycInfo and Academic Search Complete, and also the following keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorders OR ASD OR Autism OR Aspergers OR Asperger Syndrome AND Executive Function OR Executive Functioning AND Physical Activity OR Exercise OR Fitness OR Physical Exercise OR Sport AND Children OR Adolescent. For this review, it was included a total of 9 studies since they respect the stablish criteria of inclusion/exclusion. The results suggest that after implementation of PA programs, such as basketball, ridding, cycling, and others, it shows that most of those studies revealed benefits for the most analysed EF (for example: inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and planning). Although, two of these studies didn’t reveal significative effect on working memory and emotion regulation. In summary, this review highlights the benefits of PA and EF in children and adolescents with ASD, which provides an added value for this clinical population. Even though, this topic needs more attention and investigation due to the small number of studies analysed. Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Executive functions; Physical Activity; Children’s and Adolescents
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disturb from the neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in interaction and social communication, along with restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. The ASD is also characterized by several problems in executive functions (EF), in particular in terms of cognitive flexibility, working memory, inhibitory control, planning and emotional regulation, make it essential to understand what answers exists in terms of intervention to overcome those difficulties. In this context, several studies suggest that implementation of Physical Activity (PA) programs has a positive impact on EF. However, the benefits of this practise in individuals with ASD are not totally clear. And because of this, the present study aims to understand the effects of PA on EF in children’s and adolescents with ASD, through a systematic review of the literature. In order to guarantee the methodological rigor, this review followed the PICO criteria and PRISMA guidelines. For the research it was selected several databases like: ERIC, APA PsycInfo and Academic Search Complete, and also the following keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorders OR ASD OR Autism OR Aspergers OR Asperger Syndrome AND Executive Function OR Executive Functioning AND Physical Activity OR Exercise OR Fitness OR Physical Exercise OR Sport AND Children OR Adolescent. For this review, it was included a total of 9 studies since they respect the stablish criteria of inclusion/exclusion. The results suggest that after implementation of PA programs, such as basketball, ridding, cycling, and others, it shows that most of those studies revealed benefits for the most analysed EF (for example: inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and planning). Although, two of these studies didn’t reveal significative effect on working memory and emotion regulation. In summary, this review highlights the benefits of PA and EF in children and adolescents with ASD, which provides an added value for this clinical population. Even though, this topic needs more attention and investigation due to the small number of studies analysed. Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Executive functions; Physical Activity; Children’s and Adolescents
Orientação: Marisa Gomes Filipe Richter-Trummer