Avaliação do dorso de equinos PSL de dressage e respetivo saddle fitting com recurso à termografia
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Estudar a interação entre cavalo-cavaleiro-arreio é complexo, mas um arreio que não
está ajustado corretamente tanto ao cavalo como ao cavaleiro traz consequências a longo
termo para ambos. Este estudo tem como objetivo estudar o posicionamento de um único
arreio e a sua interação com o dorso de cavalos Lusitanos de dressage utilizando a termografia
como meio de análise.
Quatro cavalos, entre os 5-16 anos de idade, foram avaliados antes e depois de uma
rotina de treino com várias sequências de exercícios de dressage com uma duração de 30
minutos. A intensidade do esforço foi moderada, com uma intensidade aumentada
dependendo do nível da condição física de cada cavalo. Todos os animais utilizaram o mesmo
arreio e foram montados pelo mesmo cavaleiro. Antes e depois da rotina, foram recolhidas
imagens termográficas da coluna toracolombar e do respetivo arreio, com recurso a
marcadores em pontos específicos para identificar os grupos musculares superficiais em 7
regiões de interesse (ROI).
A termografia provou ser uma ferramenta prática e útil para a avaliação do correto
ajuste do arreio e pontos de pressão em cavalos de dressage. Através dos resultados, foi
possível concluir a importância do saddle fitting na dressage, mesmo quando os animais são
montados pelo mesmo cavaleiro, de forma a obter uma melhor superfície de contacto dos
painéis horizontais do arreio com o dorso, prevenindo o aparecimento de lesões.
Palavras-chave: Arreio, Padrão térmico, Lombalgia, Lusitanos
Studying the interaction between horse–rider–saddle is complex, but a saddle that does not fit correctly for both horse and rider has long-term health consequences for both. This work aims to study the positioning of a single saddle and its interaction with the back of dressage Lusitano horses using thermography analysis. Four horses, 5-16 years-old, were evaluated before and after 30 minutes of a routine sequence of dressage exercises. The intensity of effort was moderate, with increased intensity depending on the level of physical condition of each horse. All animals used the same saddle and were ridden by the same rider. Before and after the routine, thermographic images of the thoracolumbar spine and the respective saddle were obtained, using markers at specific points to identify the superficial muscle groups in 7 regions of interesting (ROI). Thermography proved to be a practical and useful tool in assessing saddle adjustments and spinal pressure points in dressage horses. Through the results, it was possible to conclude about the importance of saddle fitting in dressage, even when the animals are ridden by the same rider, in order to obtain a better contact surface of the horizontal panels with the back, preventing the appearance of injuries. Keywords: Saddle, Thermic Pattern, Backache, Lusitanos
Studying the interaction between horse–rider–saddle is complex, but a saddle that does not fit correctly for both horse and rider has long-term health consequences for both. This work aims to study the positioning of a single saddle and its interaction with the back of dressage Lusitano horses using thermography analysis. Four horses, 5-16 years-old, were evaluated before and after 30 minutes of a routine sequence of dressage exercises. The intensity of effort was moderate, with increased intensity depending on the level of physical condition of each horse. All animals used the same saddle and were ridden by the same rider. Before and after the routine, thermographic images of the thoracolumbar spine and the respective saddle were obtained, using markers at specific points to identify the superficial muscle groups in 7 regions of interesting (ROI). Thermography proved to be a practical and useful tool in assessing saddle adjustments and spinal pressure points in dressage horses. Through the results, it was possible to conclude about the importance of saddle fitting in dressage, even when the animals are ridden by the same rider, in order to obtain a better contact surface of the horizontal panels with the back, preventing the appearance of injuries. Keywords: Saddle, Thermic Pattern, Backache, Lusitanos
Orientação: Clarisse Coelho ; coorientação: Brunna Fonseca, Carolina Nascimento