Igreja ou comunidade? : o caso da comunidade batista acreana
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A Igreja Cristã, como um movimento humano, passou por profundas mudanças eclesiásticas, políticas, teológicas, doutrinárias e linguísticas, como um organismo que precisava reinventar-se ao longo da história. Considerando esse cenário de transformações, a Comunidade Batista Acreana insere-se no mercado religioso acreano como uma via alternativa em um mercado religioso marcado por matizes católica, protestante reformada, pentecostal e neopentecostal. Para justificar sua inserção religiosa, cultural e social no mercado religioso acreano, rompe com a nomenclatura histórica de se denominar uma igreja batista para ser uma Comunidade Batista Acreana. O modelo proposto foi o resultado de uma pesquisa histórica e comparativa dos padrões eclesiásticos que a Igreja Cristã desenvolveu e adaptou ao longo de sua história, justificando a não existência de uma única expressão de ser igreja. Por outro lado, o universo religioso na pós-modernidade é volátil, plural e não se apega aos paradigmas religiosos do passado. Tendo em vista estas considerações, a Comunidade Batista Acreana justifica sua inserção religiosa, cultural e social no mercado religioso acreano. Palavras-chaves: Igreja, Modelo, História, Comunidade, Batista
The Christian Church, as a human movement, went through profound ecclesiastical, political, theological, doctrinal and linguistic changes, as an organism that needed to reinvent itself throughout history. Considering this transforming scenario, the Acreana Baptist Community has inserted itself in the religious market of Acre as an alternative in a religious market marked by Catholic, Reformed Protestant, Pentecostal and Neopentecostal nuances. To justify its religious, cultural and social insertion in the Acreano religious market, it ruptures the historical nomenclature of being labelled a Baptist church to be named as Acreana Baptist Community. The proposed model was the result of a historical and comparative research of the ecclesiastical standards that the Christian Church developed and adapted throughout its history, justifying the non-existence of a single expression of being a church. On the other hand, the postmodern religious universe is volatile, plural and does not cling to the religious paradigms of the past. In view of these considerations, the Acreana Baptist Community justifies its religious, cultural and social insertion in the Acreano religious market. Keywords: Church, Model, History, Comunity, Baptist
The Christian Church, as a human movement, went through profound ecclesiastical, political, theological, doctrinal and linguistic changes, as an organism that needed to reinvent itself throughout history. Considering this transforming scenario, the Acreana Baptist Community has inserted itself in the religious market of Acre as an alternative in a religious market marked by Catholic, Reformed Protestant, Pentecostal and Neopentecostal nuances. To justify its religious, cultural and social insertion in the Acreano religious market, it ruptures the historical nomenclature of being labelled a Baptist church to be named as Acreana Baptist Community. The proposed model was the result of a historical and comparative research of the ecclesiastical standards that the Christian Church developed and adapted throughout its history, justifying the non-existence of a single expression of being a church. On the other hand, the postmodern religious universe is volatile, plural and does not cling to the religious paradigms of the past. In view of these considerations, the Acreana Baptist Community justifies its religious, cultural and social insertion in the Acreano religious market. Keywords: Church, Model, History, Comunity, Baptist